My initial desire for president was Bernie Sanders but then I did a little more research and even though I would still choose him over Donald Trump- or anyone for that matter. I feel as though Hilary Clinton would be a better president because Bernie Sanders is a communist which could be somewhat beneficial it’s also not fair for people who either work harder or have harder jobs to earn the same amount as every person in America. Also Bill Clinton from what I heard was a great president and if she is anything like him or has his assistance then or country will continue the success Obama has put us on.
In conclusion my vote for the general election would have been Hilary Clinton in hopes that she doesnt undo all the progress this country has made and even add to the success and further progress and development of America. I feel as though Clinton for president would break a an unfair precedent that only men are capable of being president and she can finally prove to the all sexist bastards that women are just as equal if not more capable of running the country than a man is, because as we all know women are the foundation for a succesful...anything.
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